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Top Work Injury Causes & What Companies Must Do

Top Work Injury Causes & What Companies Must Do

The annual Workplace Safety Index ranks the top 10 causes of disabling work-related injuries and we tell you how you can ensure you aren’t part of these statistics.  Liberty Mutual’s 2020 Workplace Safety Index finds that serious, nonfatal workplace injuries amounted...

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The Road to COVID-19 Recovery

The Road to COVID-19 Recovery

Managing your firm’s recovery from the problems and rules created during the COVID-19 pandemic is the topic of a comprehensive and fast-paced workshop being presented this Thursday, September 17th at 10:00 a.m. PST. Tenured presenter and trainer Pat Haley will define...

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Employment-Related Urgency Bills Await Governor’s Signature

Employment-Related Urgency Bills Await Governor’s Signature

HRWatchdog Last Monday, the California legislature concluded its 2019-2020 legislative session. Several of the bills that were passed will go into effect immediately should the Governor sign them. Governor Newsom has indicated he plans to sign the following urgency...

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California Announces New COVID-19 Reopening Plan

California Announces New COVID-19 Reopening Plan

Sacramento, CA  Andrew Nixon /CapRadio Gov. Gavin Newsom unveiled a retooled process for loosening and tightening COVID-19 restrictions Friday. Labeled a “Blueprint for a Safer California,” the system puts California’s 58 counties into four tiers based on the number...

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