Latest Laws Answer Questions That Helps Remain Compliant 1. Effective 3-19-21 - New Law: Extends COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave – Affects Employers With 25+ Employees On 3-19-21, CA Governor Newsom signed SB 95, to extend paid benefits for COVID-related leave. This law...
Latest Blogs
California’s Statewide COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave is Back and Expanded
By Cepideh Roufougar on March 19, 2021 by Jackson Lewis Governor Newsom has signed Senate Bill 95, which resurrects the statewide COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave that expired at the end of 2020. The bill takes effect immediately but provides a 10-day grace...
Flash Report: CDC: Vaccinated May Gather Without Masks
Published on: March 8, 2021 The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have announced that it is easing person-to-person COVID restrictions for fully vaccinated people. As employees continue to get vaccinated, the tight Cal/OSHA emergency temporary...
Wage and Hour COVID-19 Compliance
Topic: Wage & Hour & COVID-19 Compliance Presenter: Don Dressler, Attorney & Managing Partner Discussion Topics: · H.R.1319 - American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 · Other COVID issues · Donahue vs. AMN – No Time Rounding (meals) · PAGA Fed....
Employee Quitting Due to COVID May Still Collect Unemployment
Ellen Savage, J.D. March 3, 2021 HR Watchdog I have several employees who have quit for COVID-19-related reasons, including lack of child care and fear of being in the workplace. Why are they able to collect unemployment insurance when they were the ones who chose to...
Employers Must Submit Injury & Illness Data by March 2nd
Employers Must Submit the Form Electronically by 3-2-21 Electronic submissions are required by firms with 250+ employees (currently required to keep OSHA injury and illness records) Establishments with 20-249 employees classified in specific industries with...
OSHA Form 300 A summaries deadline – on-line filing March 2
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is reminding employers they must submit 2020 injury and illness data by March 2. Employers required to submit the data to OSHA include those whose workers are classified in high-risk...
EMPLOYERS BEWARE: California Labor Commissioner Issues ‘Retaliation’ Fine After Employee Complaints about COVID Safety Measures
By: Dan M. Forman CDF law California’s Labor Commissioner issued a $125,913 fine against a McDonald’s franchisee for retaliating against its former employee who allegedly complained about COVID safety issues before being terminated. The Labor Commissioner named the...
By Payne and Fears, Lawyers 2/9/2021 International Brotherhood. of Teamsters, Local 2785 v. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration No. 18-73488, 2021 WL 139728 (9th Cir. Jan. 15, 2021) Summary: Federal law preempts California’s meal and rest break rules as...
Conflict Resolution
Understanding the reasons for workplace conflicts helps managers address problems before conflicts occur. You Are Invited to Attend Our 3rd Thursday ZOOM Webinar: Topic: Conflict Resolution Presenter: Veteran Trainer & Consultant Pat Haley Date: Thursday Feb. 18,...
General Xavier Becerra Announced the Formation of the Worker Rights and Fair Labor Section
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced the formation of the Worker Rights and Fair Labor Section of the state Department of Justice, which will focus on issues including misclassification and wage theft. Attorney General Xavier Becerra promised to use...
Employers Must Post Form 300A Starting February 1
Katie Culliton January 26, 2021 137 Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, some things remain the same. California employers must still post their Form 300A, Annual Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, on February 1, 2021, and keep it posted through April 30,...