California is currently experiencing the fastest increase in COVID-19 cases during the entire pandemic with 11.2 new cases per 100,000 people per day, and case rates increasing five-fold within two months. The Delta variant (which is very highly contagious and possibly more virulent) is currently the most common variant causing new infections in California. Read attached Cal detailed report.
Unvaccinated persons are more likely to get infected and spread the virus, which is transmitted through the air. Most current hospitalizations and deaths are among unvaccinated persons. Thanks to vaccinations and other measures taken by Cal/OSHA, the CA Dept. of Public Health, and various local cities such as Los Angeles City and County, California’s health care system is currently able to address the increase in cases and hospitalizations.
We are seeing major changes in rules and guidance by the CA Dept. of Public Health, various cities, the Federal Government, and entities such as the UCI and Cal/State University systems, not to mention local school districts.
If you need any help with deciding your company policies particularly regarding a vaccination policy which at least informs the employer of the vaccination status of employees, rules regarding vaccinations and masks, and other changes, please let us know.